Skynet or Surveillance Capitalism?

Devil’s Advocate
2 min read4 days ago


According to Privacy International, the real threat to our privacy might not be AI itself, but something far more insidious — surveillance capitalism.

Generative AI (AI that creates new content) is getting a lot of hype, but some experts worry it might be used for even more intrusive data collection. But hold on!

Surveillance capitalism — the business model of exploiting user data — is already deeply entrenched in the tech giants we use every day. Even with powerful AI tools, companies wielding vast troves of data already have immense power to control and manipulate us.

The Enemy Within: Instead of fearing a robot uprising, perhaps we should focus on the existing systems that track our every move online.

Data is King: The real power lies with the companies that control and analyze our data. They can use it to influence our behavior, target us with advertising, and even manipulate elections.

AI: Friend or Foe?: AI can potentially be used for both good and bad in surveillance. However, the core issue is the underlying power dynamics and the lack of control we have over our own data.

So, We need a shift in focus from fearing AI to demanding stricter data privacy regulations. Users need to be more aware of how their data is collected and used. We need to support the development of ethical AI frameworks that prioritize user privacy.

This isn’t about robots taking over, it’s about taking back control of our own information.



Devil’s Advocate

Seeker for life. Looking to make technology simpler for everyone.