Sue The Messenger — A Story!!

Devil’s Advocate
2 min readJun 15, 2024


Imagine this: you’re living the blissful dream of a married life (or so you thought) until your phone buzzes with a notification that could shatter your world. But instead of facing the consequences of your actions, you do what any self-respecting digital Romeo would do — blame the messenger (pun intended). That’s the story of a recent lawsuit so juicy, it deserves its own reality show.

Apparently, a gentleman (let’s call him “Mr. Smooth Talker”) used his Apple device to, ahem, woo a woman who wasn’t his wife. Unfortunately for Mr. Smooth Talker, his “smooth moves” translated to a trail of incriminating texts. These digital love letters, however, weren’t meant for his wife’s eyes. And he got caught!

Here’s the kicker: instead of apologizing, Mr. Smooth Talker sues Apple! Yes, you read that right. He claims Apple is responsible for his wife discovering his little texting side hustle. According to him (and many not-tech-savvy folks), deleted messages are supposed to vanish into the tech ether, never to be seen again — especially by wronged spouses. That’s not how tech works though.

The internet, of course, is having a field day. Social media is filled with comments suggesting Mr. Smooth Talker might have better luck suing his thumbs for getting a little too friendly with the “send” button.

This whole situation is a hilarious reminder: technology is great, but it has a terrible sense of discretion. So, before you embark on your next digital dalliance, remember — deleted doesn’t always mean forgotten, especially when your wife is tech-savvy enough to unearth your deepest texting desires.

Maybe Mr. Smooth Talker should invest in a carrier pigeon next time, if there is one at all. Those things are way more discreet (and way less likely to land you in court).



Devil’s Advocate

Seeker for life. Looking to make technology simpler for everyone.